How long can users return a product from the purchase date?

The product can be returned within 3 days from the date of delivery.

How Can I Track My Order?

Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive an email containing your air waybill number to track your package. This will come directly from our Logistic Partner.

When can we cancel the orders?

Cancellation is possible only within 24 hrs of placing of order. You can send email to our customer team at for cancellation. After 24 hrs you can return the product only after you have received it.

How do I create a Return Request?

You can create a Return request of the product within 3 days of delivery by sharing an email to our customer support team at along with picture of the product.

Do I have an option of replacement/exchange?

We have exchange option of the Product within 3 days of delivery with the same Product of different size.

I have received a damaged or defective item/wrong product in my order, how should I proceed?

Our shipments go through rigorous quality check processes before they leave our warehouse. However in the rare case that your product is damaged during shipment or transit, you can request for a replacement and refund in form of credit notes.

Step 1: If you have received an item in a damaged/defective condition or have been sent a wrong product, share an email to our customer support team at along with picture of the product within 24 hours of receiving the order.

Step 2: Once your request is received, we will be responsible to pick the item from you. We will initiate the refund or replacement process only if the products are received by us in their original packaging with their seals, labels and bar-codes intact.

I have created a Return request. When will the product be picked up?

Number of days to pickup a product may vary as per the Logistics team that will be assigned to pickup your product. The product will be picked anywhere between 4 – 7 days.

When will my refund be initiated?

Refunds will be initiated within 7-10 business days after the product has been accepted and received for return by Journey of Object. An email confirmation will be sent once the refund has been initiated.

Where will I receive my refund amount?

The refund will be processed in form of Credit Notes which can be used during future purchases will be valid for a period of 6 months from the date of issuance.  If one fails to use the credit note, within 6 months no cash/exchange/refunds will be provided.

Can I return part of my order?

Yes. A return can be created at item level and if you have ordered multiple Products, you can initiate a return/exchange/refund for any individual Product under same order number via email on under which it was ordered along with pictures. However, any Product being returned needs to be returned in full including all components as well as any complimentary gifts or products which came along with it.

What if I used discount vouchers during time of payment and I have to cancel my order?

Discount vouchers are intended for one-time use only and shall be treated as used even if you cancel the order.

Do I have to return the free gift when I return a product?

Yes. The free gift is included as a part of the item order and needs to be returned along with the originally delivered product.